Our Services

Management of Common Eye Diseases

We offer basic and advanced eye care services for timely management of common eye diseases.

Advanced Eye Check-Ups

We offer advanced eye check-up services designed to safeguard your vision and detect any potential vision issues early on. From intricate assessments of visual acuity to thorough evaluations of ocular health, including examinations for conditions such as glaucoma, cataracts, and macular degeneration, we ensure a meticulous review of your eyes’ well-being.

Scientific Children Eyecare

Modern scientific care for children eye diseases like Myopia, Amblyopia and other refractive errors. Myopia control, supported by robust clinical research, offers effective ways to slow children’s prescription progression. Our aim is to assist in identifying the most suitable methods for your child’s needs.

Retina Screening & Management

Retina check-ups examine the vital tissue at the back of the eye, crucial for vision. They detect abnormalities, eye conditions, and diseases early, vital for timely management and preventing vision loss. Recommended for high Myopes, those with a family history of retinal issues, diabetes, high blood pressure, or experiencing visual symptoms. Regular check-ups maintain eye health and preserve vision.

Glaucoma Screening & Management

Glaucoma screening evaluates individuals for glaucoma or its risk factors, crucial for early intervention to prevent vision loss. It includes comprehensive eye exams, measuring eye pressure, and assessing optic nerve appearance. Regular screenings are advised for higher-risk individuals or those above a certain age, aiding in early detection and management.


Cataract Surgery

The best method for cataract surgery is generally phacoemulsification. Phacoemulsification is favored for its minimal invasiveness, quick recovery time, and high success rate. However, the choice of method may vary based on individual patient needs and the surgeon’s recommendation.

Community Eye Check-ups and Awareness Program in Rural Areas

Mahaveer Eye Mission will conduct community eye check-ups and awareness programs in rural and semi-urban areas to help with early detection and timely management of eye diseases.